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My life hasn't been defined as typical since April of 2002 when my brother was born. He was born with Down syndrome and autism, which has made for an exciting and eventful life for my family. Of course it hasn't been easy sailing my whole life - because whose life is? But, my life has become so much richer over the years; my brother opened up my life to a community filled with love and compassion like I have never known before. I am here to share that wonderful community with those who may have missed it.

Hear It From Me

About the blog

Throughout my life with a sibling with special needs, I have come to notice some things about the society we live in that is a little unpalatable. The way people treat and talk about people like my brother for example. The name So We Fix Our Eyes comes from a very special Bible verse. In 2 Corinthians chapter 4, Paul writes, "So we fix our eyes not on the things that are seen, but on the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are only temporary, and the things that are unseen are eternal." The first time I read that verse I was in middle school, and it has helped shape the way I look at and accept people. My goal is to help people see what Down syndrome and special needs is really like from the perspective of a sibling. There is something so special about the way people with special needs see the world and live their lives. I just wish that everyone will one day realize the value other people can bring to their lives, especially those people with special needs.

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